1-room double summer Houses for 2 people
The price of the room / cottage 1 day
- fridge, electric kettle, tableware
- WC, washstand
- тахта – доп. место для детей.
2-room for 4 people houses №1-6
The price of the room / cottage 1 day
- electric kettle, tableware, Wi-Fi, terrace, mini fridge
- WC, washstand, shower
- possible 1 additional seats / раскладушка - доп. место для взрослых и детей
In the price included
- amenities included in the price (of green colour in the table)
For accommodation, vacationers are offered six identical two-room quadruple houses with a terrace and barbecue. Each house has 4 single beds, a bathroom with a shower, necessary furniture and utensils, an electric kettle, a refrigerator.