Site map
detailed information about belarusian touroperator Automated tourism technologies
about the country: location, visa, customs, currency
all recreation centers posted on the portal
rules for filling in a reservation request
detailed description of the climatic conditions of Belarus
assessment of our activities by state organizations
address, phones, offices on the map, sending messages
frequently asked questions
detailed description of the fauna of Belarus
detailed description of the flora of Belarus
organization of fishing in Belarus
information to travel agencies
geo-coordinates of recreation centers, GPS and Navitel
certificates for tour operator services
rules for booking and payment of tours to the recreation centers in Belarus
How to go to the office of the enterprise
detailed scheme of the passage to the office of PRPUE Automated tourism technologies
hunting rules in Belarus
infrastructure in the recreation centers of Belarus
rest on the lakes of Belarus
location of recreation centers on the map
National parks of the Republic of Belarus
rest in national parks of Belarus
conditions of admission of children in recreation centers
informatiom about our team
where and how to pay for tours at recreation centers
recommendations for travelers when planning a vacation
login to the booking system
Videos about recreation centers
viewing videos about recreation centers
river and lake system of Belarus