Rest in Belarus

Address - guest house Vaspan

Vitebsk region
Booking closed

Address — guest house Vaspan:
211961 Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Braslav district, Vyazki villiage.

How to get to guest house Vaspan by public transport:

  • from Minsk from the bus station «Centralniy» on a bus in the direction Braslav, Riga, a departure time - 7.20, 8.20, 9.50, 15.00, 17.00 (daily), 16.00 (Mon, Fri, Sat, Sun), 21.50 (Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun);
  • by bus, by train to Vitebsk, further from bus station Vitebsk by bus or route minibus to Braslav, a departure time 06.40, 08.00 (Sat, Sun), 11.00, 16.20 19.00 (Fri), 21.00 (except Sat);
  • from autostation in Braslav by a taxi to the guest house "Vaspan" (about 6 km).

The Administration of an enterprise doesn't bear responsibility forchanges in the public transport schedule.

Transport shedule guest house Vaspan:

How to get to guest house Vaspan by car:

  • from the city of Minsk on the road R58 to the town of Myadel (draw-in from Minsk Ring Road in Tsnianka District). In the town of Myadel drive about 5 miles (on the left there is a bus stop, then right - gas station, then - long left turn), turn on the right to drive on the motorway R27. In 30 km there is T-shaped crossroads (the motorway R45 Polotsk-Vilnius), turn on the right and drive to the town of Postavy, then straight to the town of Braslav.
Border crossing, customs, border

Taxi guest house Vaspan

Free online booking and payment on the fact, quickly, safely, comfortably

Taxi ( for 4 persons price per car):
The order of the car for you date and time, meeting at a car of a train, the bus or in a hall of arrivals, help with luggage and currency exchange. The price - for all car in independence of number of passengers.

216km city Molodechno 237,60 BYN book
220km city Borisov 286,00 BYN book
239km city Vitebsk 406,30 BYN book
241km city Minsk 313,30 BYN book
251km Minsk International Airport 326,30 BYN book