Rest in Belarus

Beaver river

Beaver river (castor fiber). Earlier widely widespread in a wood zone, and also in inundated woods of forest-steppe and steppe zones of Eurasia, the river beaver has been almost exterminated in the beginning of XX century. And one of few places where beavers still lived, were remote wood and marsh spaces of Belarus. Subsequently by means of strict protection and re-acclimatizing of beavers their former area and population have been restored. Now in Belarus beavers are widespread on all territory and are basically usual, though in some areas its quantity isn't big. Its actual number makes about 52,5 thousands of individuals. Beavers occupy various reservoirs. The basic vital condition here is the presence on the coast or near the coast of thickets of wood and bush vegetation. Preferred habitats of beavers are deep reservoirs with high coast, overgrown with willow, filbert and also with prevalence in a forest stand of an aspen and a birch.