Rest in Belarus

Monkey goby

Monkey goby

Monkey goby (Neogobius fluviatilis) - fish of family of the bychkovy (Gobiidae) the river; the body extended, harmonous, in back part is a little squeezed from sides; head wide; mouth big, with well developed large lips, on jaws there is small conic teeth; eyes big; the cinciput, nape, back, branchiate covers, the bases of chest fins, a back half of a throat and belly is covered by quite large roundish cheshuyka; the snout is a little pointed, the bottom jaw is given forward; color of a body brownish-gray or yellowish-gray, usually with very pale dark gray or brown drawing from merging spots; back and tail fins with ranks of a dark tag.
In Belarus lives in Dnepr and its largest inflows. The most intensive biting of a pesochnik is observed in the first half of summer. It is occasionally caught on ground rods and it is used for a bait when catching predatory fishes.