1-room double / double guest house
The price of the room / cottage 1 day
- hairdryer, TV, air conditioner, Wi-Fi, double bed
- WC, washstand, shower
1-room triple / trio guest house
The price of the room / cottage 1 day
- hairdryer, TV, air conditioner, Wi-Fi
- WC, washstand, shower
Double 1-room / superior guest house
The price of the room / cottage 1 day
- hairdryer, TV, air conditioner, Wi-Fi
- WC, washstand, shower
- possible 2 additional seats
Double 1-room / honeymoon guest house
The price of the room / cottage 1 day
- hairdryer, TV, air conditioner, Wi-Fi, double bed
- WC, washstand, shower
In the price included
- amenities included in the price (of green colour in the table)
By traveling to the farmstead by private transport, you must first inform state number of the car for registration of admission to the territory of the national park Belovezhskaya Pushcha.