1-room double double-twin building №1
The price of the room / cottage 1 day
- electric kettle, TV, tableware, Wi-Fi, mini fridge
- WC, washstand, shower
1-room triple / trio building №1
The price of the room / cottage 1 day
- electric kettle, TV, tableware, Wi-Fi, mini fridge
- WC, washstand, shower
Double 2-room / Family Room building №1, 2
The price of the room / cottage 1 day
- electric kettle, TV, tableware, Wi-Fi, double bed, mini fridge
- WC, washstand, shower
- possible 1 additional seats
2-room triple / family building №2
The price of the room / cottage 1 day
- fridge, electric kettle, TV, tableware, double bed
- WC, washstand, shower
- possible 2 additional seats
2-room double suite building №1
The price of the room / cottage 1 day
- electric kettle, TV, tableware, Wi-Fi, double bed, mini fridge
- WC, washstand, shower
- possible 2 additional seats / доп. место - диван
House for 16 people building №3
The price of the room / cottage 1 day
- fridge, TV, Wi-Fi
- WC, washstand, shower
In the price included
- amenities included in the price (of green colour in the table)
- entertainment programme (except chargeable)
Note to the prices on tours
The park hotel allows accommodation with small pets in any room category.
The cost of accommodation with a pet is 20.00 BYN per day.
The cost of accommodation with a pet is 20.00 BYN per day.