Rest in Belarus

Roedeer European

Roedeer European (Сapreolus capreolus). Now in Belarus reodeer is widespread on all territory. Density of its population in the western and southern areas is much greater and makes 6-15 individuals on 1000 hectares of wooden lands, in northern areas it is smaller - 2-4 individuals on 1000 hectares of wooden lands. Optimum conditions for dwelling roedeers find in the small woods located among open spaces. To vital needs of this kind fully answer rarefied deciduous woods that have developed underbrush. The roedeer shows significant ecological plasticity to the anthropogenous factor. It occupies various tree-plantings and forest belts. From natural enemies of the roedeer the most dangerous are wolves, who are capable to lower their number considerably, especially in winter. The roedeer is often attacked by the lynx. The small individuals in the first months of its life are often extracted by foxes.