Rest in Belarus


The muskrat (ondatra zibethicus). The natural area of the muskrat covers the biggest part of Northern America. Now as a result of the acclimatization the muskrat is widespread across all Eurasia. In Belarus this animal appeared in the end of 1940 as a result of natural moving from the territory of Poland. In the years of 50th with the aim of acclimatization special releases of the muskrat have been lead in various areas of the country. Gradually the muskrat has occupied reservoirs on all its territories. The basic habitats of the muskrat are lakes and other standing reservoirs with developed water and surface vegetation that are not freezing in winter. The muskrat occupies also many rivers, except places where big and long high waters are observed. At high coast the muskrat digs holes, at low - builds "houses" of grassy vegetation and a dirt. Its actual number makes 59,9 thousands of individuals.