Rest in Belarus

Gudgeon ordinary

Gudgeon ordinary

Gudgeon ordinary (Gobio gobio) —the representative of a genus of gudgeons, treats family of the karpovy. Small fish with the extended, spindle-shaped body which is almost completely covered with large scales, except for belly part. The head is a little flattened, eyes are turned up. Back color greenish-brown, sides are covered with the bluish or blackish spots sometimes merging in a continuous dark strip, a paunch silvery, slightly yellowish. All fins grayish, eyes yellow.
In reservoirs of Belarus lives everywhere. Lives in the rivers, the small small rivers, many reservoirs and ponds, however everywhere prefers clear water with a sandy bottom. Conducts a benthonic way of life, rises in thickness of water only at fast movement, at flight from danger. Everywhere forms large packs, it is frequent from individuals of various age and razmerov.serovaty, eyes yellow.