2-room double cottages №1-5
The price of the room / cottage 1 day
- TV, Wi-Fi, double bed, mini fridge
- WC, washstand, shower
- possible 2 additional seats / возможно 2 доп.места / раскладной диван - доп.место для взрослых и детей
Double cottages №6, 7
The price of the room / cottage 1 day
- Wi-Fi
- WC, washstand
Single cottage №8
The price of the room / cottage 1 day
- Wi-Fi, double bed
- WC, washstand, shower
- possible 1 additional seats
In the price included
- amenities included in the price (of green colour in the table)
Note to the prices on tours
If you share a single room with smb. else, you have to pay extra pay 40% of the cost of the room, in double or triple room - 50% of the seats.
Cottages №1-5: All houses are the same type and have the same equipment. Consist of a hall with a sofa, TV, mini fridge; bedroom with double bed; bathroom: washstand, WC, shower.
Cottages №6,7: The house includes hall; bedroom with two single beds; bathroom: washstand, WC.
Cottage №8: Includes hall; bedroom with a double bed; bathroom: washstand, WC, shower.