Rest in Belarus

Wood pigeon

Wood pigeon (columba palumbus) nests almost in all territory of the Europe, in except its northern part, in Northwest Africa, Minor and Central Asia, Western Siberia. In Belarus it is a usual, enough numerous kind of bird evenly widespread on all territory. Wood pigeon is a typically wood bird; however it gravitates to settlement near to the extensive open spaces, mainly farmlands. During the nested period it prefers tall-trunked spaces of a ripe wood, but in a choice of places for nesting it is plastic enough. The most typical nested biotopes are the mixed fir-deciduous woods, quite often deciduous and pine-deciduous. In southern part of Belarus this bird often settles in middle-aged littered plantings of a pine. Hunting on wood pigeon during its fodder flights from spending the night on fields and flight on a watering place is sports enough. However in spite of this and though its very tasty meat, hunting on wood pigeon in Belarus isn’t too much developed.