1-room double / double hotel
The price of the room / cottage 1 day
- fridge, TV, double bed
- WC, washstand, shower
1-room double / twin hotel
The price of the room / cottage 1 day
- fridge, TV
- WC, washstand, shower
2-room double hotel
The price of the room / cottage 1 day
- hairdryer, fridge, TV, air conditioner, double bed
- WC, washstand, bath, shower
- possible 1 additional seats / диван - для взрослых и детей
Triple for 4 people hotel
The price of the room / cottage 1 day
- hairdryer, fridge, TV, air conditioner, double bed
- WC, washstand, bath, shower
- possible 1 additional seats / диван - для взрослых и детей
In the price included
- amenities included in the price (of green colour in the table)
Note to the prices on tours
For children up to 8 years old the fee for accommodation without a separate bed is not charged.
In case of eviction after checkout time, the accommodation fee is charged for half a day.
At creation of an additional place in single rooms additional service in use of the bed complete set with payment according to the price-list of the prices for additional services is given.