Rest in Belarus

Carboxy therapy

Carboxy therapy - is an innovative medical method which is carried out by means of subcutaneous injections of carbon dioxide (CO2). CO2 application hypodermically improves blood circulation of a brain, heart and vessels for long time. As a result of procedure tension and a spasm of muscles decreases, anesthetizing and anti-inflammatory effect is had, organism resilience to harmful factors increases. Carbon dioxide increases more, than by 3 times concentration of oxygen in fabrics. Besides, it liquidates hypostasis by improvement of local blood circulation. Under the influence of CO2 nervous excitability decreases, the dream is normalized. Also the carboxy therapy is resulted by splitting of fatty deposits and production of the collagen giving to skin elasticity amplifies.
Carbon dioxide is entered by means of the special device supporting stable volume and pressure of gas, doses and a place of introduction pay off the physiotherapist individually.